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Summer Projects 2017 Edition


Toyota Truck Club Founder
Staff member
1000 Posts
What's everyone got going on for summer projects for 2017?

After having a look at the air conditioner, in seen something unusual with the circuit-breaker, gonna replace that one today. We also had an issue with 1 of the ground fault circuit breakers, 15 years-old perhaps finally went out, I don't know many replace it anyway just to be safe. Those ground fault circuit breakers are like 50 bucks compared to a standard circuit-breaker is about $8.

Also this is the 2nd time around we're having making process I guess that's what I get for getting the after market Fawcett cartridges, because I think I had to fix this around 2010 to 2012? In our big bathroom. I had to replace it in 2014 in our master bathroom. I guess these replacement cartridges are only lasting 7 years maybe?

The Area where my tree Broke and had to be cut-down is been getting filled in with rogue shrub shoots that have come under the ground and have made an area of a new shrub which is bizarre-looking to say the least. We're gonna put a crate Myrtle in on that site I'll break-up the stop in replace it with a large crate Myrtle one of the 25 to 30' tall ones that we have a couple of those already look great after about 5 to 10 years.

Already replaced the dishwasher about a month ago. I'm replacing the transitions on the floor between tile and hardwood, which really isn't hard what it's the engineered flooring, and the stuff that they make for transition that is supposed to go with that is really laminate and a stop just broke apart and it never really worked it chips and splintered apart inside of about a year-the only areas that it still remains are short areas that get very little traffic such as going into my Home Office from the back into the kitchen. So I replaced with hardwood with 3 Coats of matching stain and polyurethane. Now I got a big backyard project to do now that there's a much bigger fence, oh yeah look at the big fence project this year too.



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